烟台蓬莱DHL国际快递 蓬莱市DHL快递烟台分公司 全球物流
更新:2025-01-18 08:14 编号:17933574 发布IP: 浏览:55次- 发布企业
- 安徽敦航国际货运代理有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第19年主体名称:安徽敦航国际货运代理有限公司组织机构代码:91340123MA8PJ7NF6L
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烟台蓬莱DHL国际快递 蓬莱市DHL快递烟台分公司 全球物流 敦豪,的国际快递服务提供商,以及我们,一个让做好事变得可行的组织,正在继续努力通过第三届年度 DHL 青年奖学金奖来增强美国的年轻的能力。该奖项计划于 2016年启动,旨在表彰杰出的美国青年,他们以变革行动服务潮流。它鼓励年轻人发挥自己的潜力,追求梦想,并通过服务和行动继续。
来自加利福尼亚州、伊利诺伊州、明尼苏达州、纽约州、德克萨斯州和华盛顿州的 13-18 岁的青少年有资格申请。
通过该奖项,DHL 和 WE 表彰采取具体和可衡量的行动来创造持久社会变革的青年。有关该奖项的更多信息以及申请表,请访问
奖励礼包包括身临其境的旅行体验 我对我们 到厄瓜多尔,获奖者与社区成员一起开展开发项目。
“DHL 奖学金是年轻人探索新文化的独特机会,志愿参与对社区产生真正影响的可持续发展项目,”DHL Express US执行官 Greg Hewitt 说,“我与我们在厄瓜多尔的 DHL奖学金获得者的经历去年夏天让我充满了巨大的希望,即下一代将在伟大的手中。”
Hewitt 和 WE 的联合创始人 Marc Kielburger将领导由有影响力的思想和社区组成的评审团,他们将从每个符合条件的州选出六名获胜者。他们将于 2019 年 6 月宣布获奖者。
“我们很自豪能与 DHL合作,支持美国各地的青年通过服务在社区内外做出改变,”马克·基尔伯格说。“每年我都对美国那些申请解决他们关心的社会问题的创造力和热情的年轻人印象深刻。他们致力于以真实、切实的方式做出改变,我们很荣幸不仅能够表彰这些杰出的青年,能够为他们提供工具来激励和塑造他们的下一个事业。”
DHL, the world’s leading international express services provider,and WE, an organization that makes doing good doable, arecontinuing their efforts to empower young leaders in the UnitedStates through the third annual DHL Youth Fellowship Award. Theaward program, launched in 2016, recognizes exceptional youngAmericans who are leading the charge in service with theirtransformative actions. It encourages youths to realize theirpotential, pursue their dreams and continue to lead through serviceand action.
Now open for applications at , youths aged 13-18 from California,Illinois, Minnesota, New York State, Texas and Washington State areeligible to apply.
Applicants are asked to demonstrate how they have made a positiveimpact in their local and global communities, outlining thespecific action plans they’ve taken to address their cause ofchoice and detailing the positive impact their efforts have made.Most important, applicants are asked to describe how winning theaward will help them grow as a leader and change-maker.
Through the award program, DHL and WE recognize youth takingconcrete and measurable actions to create lasting social change.More information about the award, along with the application form,are available at
The award prize package includes an immersive travel experiencewith ME to WE to Ecuador, where the winners work alongsidecommunity members on development projects.
”The DHL fellowship is a unique opportunity for young people toexplore a new culture while volunteering on sustainable developmentprojects that make a real difference in communities,” said GregHewitt, CEO of DHL Express U.S. “My experience with our DHLfellowship winners in Ecuador last summer filled me with tremendoushope that the next generation is going to be in great hands.”
Hewitt and Marc Kielburger, the co-founder of WE, will lead thejudging panel of influential thought and community leaders who willselect the six winners, one from each eligible state. They willannounce the winners in June 2019.
“We are so proud to partner with DHL to support youth acrossAmerica in making a difference in their communities and beyondthrough service,” said Marc Kielburger. “Each year I am trulyimpressed by the creativity and passion youth in America who areapplying to tackle social issues they care about. They arecommitted to making a difference in real, tangible ways, and it’san honor to not only recognize these exceptional youth, but toprovide them with the tools to inspire and shape their nextendeavors.”
成立日期 | 2022年10月08日 | ||
法定代表人 | 陈浩 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
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经营范围 | 航空国际货物运输代理,海上国际货物运输代理,陆路国际货物运输代理 | ||
公司简介 | 安徽敦航国际货运代理有限公司于世界上100多个国家和地区的1800多家货运代理、航空公司、船务代理公司建立了业务联系,形成了一个完整的、先进的外贸运输网络,并逐步成为中国具有实力的快递公司之一。合肥市DHL国际快递出口文件,液体,粉末,膏体,机械配件,食品,等货物,可安全出口,顺利签收。合肥市DHL国际快递提供高新区、蜀山区、包河区、政务区、滨湖区、庐阳区、新站区、肥西县、长丰县、肥东县等地区国际 ... |
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